This Halloween week was filled with lots of fun things for our family (OK, the kids really). The kids really enjoyed Halloween this year and I think it will only get better as they get a bit older and understand it more. Christian was set on being Darth Vader for a while now and Chloe changed her answer every time you asked her. She finally went with Ariel, the little mermaid, but soon changed her mind....too late little one. :)We started the fun off with a party at Church on Wednesday.The kids had a blast and loved playing all the games this year!Friday Christian got to wear his costume to school and they had a parade. I didn't have my camera so no pics. Saturday night we took the kids to Mammy and Grandpa's Church party. We missed the games, but made it for trunk-or-treating and that's the most important anyways right?! :) Chloe & Leilani(Belle).In the hay maze.A loving moment I just had to catch.Sunday we took the kiddos out for their first trick-or-treating experience. It was great! We went with Ryan, Lizeth and Leilani. Dustin found us a great neighborhood and the fun began. The kids took turns ringing the doorbells, which seemed to be all the rage. :) Christian kept saying he wanted to go to a haunted house, but we soon learned this wasn't going to happen. At one house after getting his candy he spotted a man in a mask with a chainsaw, so he ran towards me. Well behind me was another man in a mask with a chainsaw so he ran back the other way. Poor kid thought he was trapped and had a complete meltdown and ran to daddy's arms. It was sad and great all at the same time. He was ready to go home and was timid the rest of the night, but he pushed on and did great. The little girls I think were still too young to know what was going on I think...thank goodness. I took a few pics of the kids before we headed out. Christian showing us some moves. Chloe isn't a big fan of the camera so this is the best we could do with her. :)It was a great time and I'm looking forward to next year already!!
I love it! So cute the picture of Leilani and Chloe--you've gotta take those girls to disneyland together!!:) Heck Christian could even wear his darth vador to disneyland and fight himself!:) Looks super fun. Glad you had fun.
Wow! The kids really got some use out of those cute costumes. Too bad about the chainsaw guys. The pictures are so fun to look at!
I love it! So cute the picture of Leilani and Chloe--you've gotta take those girls to disneyland together!!:) Heck Christian could even wear his darth vador to disneyland and fight himself!:) Looks super fun. Glad you had fun.
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