Tomorrow will be a week since my bff left from her quick visit to Cali. She came out last weekend to visit with us for a few sweet days. I wish she could have stayed longer, but I know she missed her family and I'm sure they missed (and needed) her. We sure made the most of her visit though and it re-energized me in so many ways that only a best friend can! Saturday after we picked her up form the airport we went over to Dustin's parents to celebrate my birthday along with my nephew Tyler who also has a March birthday.

Sunday we visited and I some how convinced her to take some family pictures of us so that I could actually be in them. Here is one of my favs, but I will post more later.

Dustin snapped a few of the two of us.

Chloe sure fell in love with Jen and I can't blame her. She is pretty great! She preferred Jen to help her with almost everything instead of mom and that was just fine with me. Not often I get a break after all. :)

It was a great few days filled with lots of talking, laughing, shopping and way too much eating. Thanks for the visit bff and thanks to my awesome hubby for keeping tabs on the kids so I could play (oh and for the awesome crepes). :)
LOL! I just commented on your photo blog about me not being invited to your family blog. maybe you figured that out already...but I am in Mesa on my MIL computer and was somehow signed in under her name (Mary Louise) Didn't realize that until I left a comment of my friends blog, then saw my MIL's name and thought, "I didn't know my MIL knew her?" before realizing the comment was mine! I'll blame it on the pregnancy brain!
That is SO fun that you BFF got to come hang out! I bet it was a huge breathe of fresh air and made you feel 15 years younger just being with her and having it feel like, "Old times" again! I love that feeling!
Love the new family photos. Jen did a great job!! I loved getting to know her better. She's super fun! What a great treat! Glad you guys have each other!
You have a sweet friend. Its nice to remember the good times together I'm sure.
Haven't been on a computer in a while so I thought I'd come on and catch up to see how everyone was doing. Love.... Love.... Love... all the photos. I especially love that Chloe knows how to eat popcorn the right Happy LATE birthday fellow twi-hard...
I love the pictures bestie!!!! cept' Dustin didnt make me look like Gisele enough!!! LOL!!! I loved coming to visit you and I miss you terribly love. I cant wait to come out again!!! Give those sweetheart babies some love from me!
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