Dustin celebrated a birthday this past Sunday...his 31st to be exact. :) We enjoyed a nice relaxing long holiday weekend together. The long weekends are great, except for the fact that everything is crowded.
Friday got started with a foot/leg massage (aka...lotion bath) from Chloe. Her latest thing to do. :)

Saturday Dustin's parents had a picnic at the park to celebrate May birthdays. We celebrated, Ryan's, Trey's, Dustin, Kristin and Monty's.

It was so warn that we used the sweat on Christian to see what his hair would look like spiky...pretty cute I think!

Picture courtesy of Christian. :)

This moment cracked me up. Christian is listening to Uncle Monty very carefully as he tries to pay Christian to stick his face in the cake. He didn't go for it! LOL

Some of the family later went to the park across the street to see a gopher snake that had made it's way by the people. Kyle and the boys enjoyed themselves just a bit too much for my taste.

Sunday we went to church, BBQ'ed, made a cake, opened presents and napped.Chloe helping make the cake.

Re-lite so the kids can blow out the candles. :)

Time for presents. The kids picked it out, I wonder why?!:)

Monday we went to the movies to see "how to train your dragon." Very cute movie, but we will have to show it to Chloe again since she slept through most of it. :)
Happy birthday Dustin! We love you and look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with you!!! xoxo
I love Christian's hair spiky. Who needs gel? Sweat, boogers, Mom spit...it all works great!
Happy Birthday Dustin. What a great idea to celebrate all the birthdays for the month.
Thanks for getting the pic of Kyle. He was so excited to see that. Happy BDay Dustin!! I sure love you bud! Can't believe we are 31! I love your lotion bath from Chloe! That is so sweet! She needs to talk to my kids!:)
(belated but that's okay right!?)
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