Sunday, October 17, 2010

Christian's first kiss

Apparently Christian had his first kiss on Tuesday at school. When I picked him up from school the kids were eager to let me know the days event. :) I asked his teacher what they were talking about and she said that he and Cambria kissed at recces.

I talked to Christian when we got to the car and I guess they were playing wedding. There was only one kiss! We had a little talk about kissing and all was well. Those aggressive girls!! :)

The bride!!


Michelle said...

I guess it's an occupational hazard :)

Mammy said...

Wow! Kids learn so fast these days. I didn't have my first kiss until first grade! It was Russell B., and it was yucky! I never played tag with him again! And I didn't even get engaged until second grade! It was David M. It was great. We never had a class together or even spoke again until 6th grade--when I was six inches taller than him. We had a friendly break-up. I must admit--the bride is pretty cute!

Jennifer said...

LOL!!! Sister Peterson you are a crack up!!!

that's a great picture!

Monty and Kristin said...

So Funny! yeah, mom I never knew! I least she's cute! He's a smart guy.