I feel like I have a pretty good feel for my camera now as well as some of the more technical aspects like lighting and needing to be creative and things like that. Although I still need a ton of work there too. :) So my next focus is going to be on editing. I have SO much to learn. The goal in fact is to get a great picture in the first place and do minimal editing, this I know, but I still have so much to learn in this area.
I feel as if I just do so the very basics. Sharpen the image up a bit, fix the blemishes, saturate the color, soften the skin and those type of things. There is just so many more possibilities...so this is what I want to explore. :) So I'm reading books, hoping to take some more workshops and even use my BIL Ryan who has mass photo shop knowledge that I can tap into. :) I want to make those images POP without looking too fake.
So that's what's been on my mind a bit lately. Wish me luck..I sure need it!!
And just for fun here are some pictures...
the original

Good luck with your pressing forward goals. Hey M none of your pictures look fake:)
that's awesome girl...i'm so proud of you!!! take that gift and run with it hun!!!
Good job. This is something that I would love to learn more of.
Awesome goals Michelle! You look great too and I have that same shirt! :-)
Thanks guys...you're great!!
January- got to love Old Navy!
Michelle - I think you're a great photographer...keep up the good work!
I know what you mean about wanting to enhance the image without making it look fake...
....I have similar feelings about wanting to make a shot look natural and not posed....
You're doing great and I admire your drive to develop your talent!
go get 'em girl! you are good with your camera, just don't think too much...you do a great job!! and BTW i LOVE your haircut in this pic...
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