Since we were out of town a lot this last month it was pretty easy to keep the secret. We started it off with the Lomenick and Jacquez families and are curious where it went from there. So I want to know, did you get phantomed? who did you pass it on to? how far did the fun spread?
We also learned that since we never got phantomed that we have NO friends!! Only kidding, well about the no friend part anyways. :)
We have done this in our school the last several years, except ours was BOO instead of Phantom. Funny thing is, this year it never caught on. The economy strikes again.
It was kind of hard to phantom you when you were the one to phantom us. I knew it was you because I saw and heard Dustin running through our leaf-filled grass. I didn't want to let you know that I knew it was you. By the way, I didn't tell the Jacquez's either. I gave to the Douglas family and Lyon family. Jacquez's gave to the Davis family and Schafer family. Some how it got to the Fields family and they got the Jacquez family again. I know Fields wanted to do Amy Noel, but they were afraid of that very long and loud chain around their gate.
Oh, thanks by the way. I loved it!
We did this with our moms group too! So fun!
We got "phantomed" twice! Sad thing is I never had time to go get something to take to someone so we basically were free loaders this year! I'll have to be more on the ball like you next time!
So fun. We didn't get booed this year. We have in the past, but not this year. I think it's so fun to boo...even more than be booed. Anyway, good for you for starting it! I wonder how far it did go?
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