Tuesday, November 18, 2008

why I've been M.I.A.

This last week has been SO busy and gone so fast all at the same time. I have had a few photo shoots, yes a few, and along with that comes hours of editing, Chloe has had a cold, I have been trying to get my website ready for launching, and now Christian has the "yucky" flu. So those things on top of the everyday things have had us a little busy lately, but in a good way. My website should be up in a day or so and that will lift a load off my shoulders..so stay tuned for that. And then now we get ready for the busy holiday season...let the fun begin!!


Jennifer said...

Fun! (not the people being sick part)...but the pictures and editing part! I can't wait to see your website! :)

(pst...where's your "Kaiya Funeral Fund" button?)

Katie said...

Can't wait to see your website! Yeah for you!!

Robb said...

Hi there. This is a shout-out to my mission buddy Dustin. I hope you're doing well bro. Drop me a line sometime. robb (at) virginia (dot) edu