Well, I do!
So, I haven't really been in the best of blogging moods lately. Not sure exactly why, but I think I just take things very personally. I'm working in it!
One of us seems to get better and another seems to get sick all over again. I'm so tired of it! Yes, we have colds again...
We did attempt to go to Disneyland today with the kids. We haven't been in a while and we thought it would be a good day and small crowds. We were a bit wrong. Not the worst we've seen, but not the best either. But no worries...we will be back soon enough. :)
I am still consumed in the Twilight series (Dustin is too) and loving every minute if it, more on this later because it totally deserves a blog entry of it's very own.
What happened?
Don't take things too personal. Life is too short. Shake it off. Anwho, I read all of the series about a year ago and what a treat, wait til you get to the last book. You will LOVE it.
I am kindda wondering what happened too.....but it's okay if you don't feel like sharing with me...
...it's hard to not take things personally...in my opinion there are three people who's opinions about us really matter in our lives #1 Heavenly Father...#2 Jesus Christ and #3...our spouse.
...maybe I am wrong??
You and veronica. She just finished the third book. Glad you have something fun. Oh...I'm wondering what happened too.
can't wait to read your twilight post...are you done with the third book? team edward or team jacob? that is the real question! and don't worry...even when you aren't in the blog mood you blog twice as much as me..i wish i could be as good!! :)
I guess my blogging mood must be rubbing off on you. Sorry!
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