Yesterday I took the kids to Oak Glen for a quick trip. I feel like I haven't been doing too many outings with them lately so it was time. It was nice, hardly anyone there at all, but it was a bit cold. We didn't stay too long, just long enough for a snack break. I tried to get a picture of the kids together, but once again it was a BIG joke. They just love to torture me I think! All I can do at this point is laugh and you will see why as I add some pictures at the end of this post. :)
This morning I took Christian to the doctor because for about the past 2 weeks he has had a cough and it doesn't seem to be getting any better. It's mostly at night and in the early morning, but the poor kid can't be getting a good nights rest and I sure am not. I'm glad I took him in because today he has been coughing ALL day (no joke). They said his lungs sounded good, but he did have a little fluid in his ears. It might be some asthma symptoms or bronchitis so we were given some meds and hopefully will be feeling good in a few days (crossing my fingers). And poor Chloe was crying last night and sur enough she was sick this morning too. I tell you, I feel like this house is one bug after another!!
So, that's our happenings for now and there will be PLENTY of new posts too follow very soon!! :)

Cute pics of the kids.I love the one where Chloe is trying to get out of Christian arms. :)
They all look so cute! I always love your photography.
Sorry about the sick kids! But, at least they are super cute!!! :)
It sounds like Christians is differently having asthma symptoms. Last year at this time I was horrible with my asthma and I was coughing all night like crazy. The only thing that helps me is my inhaler. I fell so bad for Christians its really hard not being able to breath. It really hurts inside your chest from coughing so much.
The pictures are great and the kids look like there getting older. There faces are changing.
Cute pics...although...I must looked like Christian thought is was a wrestling match instead of a photo shoot! Are kids fun!?
Hope the kids feel better soon! I woke up with pink eye! Hooray for me! Gotta love all the germs kids bring home once they start school! Kaitlyn had it last week, Weston is just getting over it...and now me! Luckily it doesn't bother me too much... :)
Can't wait for your next posts!
It's a good thing your customers don't give you as hard of a time. You might have to work harder. I see you tried the ultimate bribe...candy!
Oh and hopefully since they are sick so often now, you won't have to worry about when they go to school.
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