Let me just say that I am NOT a reader...at all. I did buy the book months ago with every intention of reading it since everyone else in the world was, but just never got around to it. Dustin was actually reading it to see what all the hype was about and when the movie came out he wanted to see it so I watched it with him. It was pretty good, but I wanted more detail so he said that I really needed to read the book.
I had him download the first book to my ipod and began to listen during my Boise trip. I fell in love! I didn't think a book about vampires would suck me in , but it sure did. Once I started reading (well listening really) I couldn't stop. Really I couldn't...it was like an sick addiction! I read all four books in about 3 1/2 weeks. My poor kids and house suffered as I neglected them, well not really that bad. The fun part is that Dustin was reading the series with me and so we could talk about it together. I must admit that book 2 was a bit slow for me and began to make me mad, but I was told to hang in there and I was glad I did. And yes, I was pretty pleased with the ending...thank goodness!
So I have seen the movie 4 times now (don't ask how) :)and my sister in laws and I have decided that once the movie comes out on DVD that we are gonna have a Twilight party of our own. I'm so glad that my sil Veronica is also reading the books right now and is just as obsessed as I am.
I am and was always on "team Edward." I'm so glad I didn't waiver in book 3 and am still way too in love with Edward Cullen than is normal. :) It's OK, Dustin knows and has a little crush of his own...Alice. :)

I can't wait for the "New Moon" movie to come out later this year. I will be there opening night and dragging the hubby along. I hope they make a movie for each book. I think Breaking Dawn would make a great one!!

Now back to reality I guess...
I am one of teh few that enjoyed book 1 but I didn't love it. I read book wo but it was so slow. Now I am struggling with book number 3 I think I am on page 11.
Letti- Stay with it, book 3 is way better and book 4 even better. Even though you might hate Bella a bit in book 3 like I did!! :0
You might try listening to it on your ipod like I did. The narrator is SO good and it feels like you are watching a movie. Good luck!!
I am a Twilight Junkie now. I am half way through the first book and loving it. You are right about the narrator. She is really good. I am a big Edward fan.I am going to start calling Ryan by his middle name "Edward" from now on. I think I will be finished with the book this week and will move on to book two.
I cannot wait to see the movie.
YEEAAAHHHH!!!! Michelle...so glad you jumped on the twilight bandwagon, everyone made fun of me for reading them until they read the first one :) Amazing how much you get sucked in, huh! i am proud of you for not waivering from team edward...i was torn in book three! Have you gone online and read her half version of 'midnight sun' yet? edward's point of view in twilight? It is a great read once you've finished everything else... glad you enjoyed it!
Okay...I guess I am the only person who doesn't love vampire boy (aka Edward)...I never was into him...not ever in book one. I was glad for him to be Bella's hero and rescue her so many times because I like Bella...I can relate to all her insecurities.
What don't I like about Edward??? It's not that he's a vampire...it's that I don't think he loves Bella for the right reasons. He's just infatuated with her...her blood really...he's intoxicated by it...and he's always buying her things...that bugs me. In my opinion...Bella made the wrong choice when she let Jacob go because I thought he loved her for who she is. I haven't finished the 4th book yet...so I guess there's time for my opinion to change. I just don't buy the "true love" thing that Bella feels...she's too young. That part of the book bugs me.
Stephanie did a great job convincing me that vampires and even werewolves could exist....and the books are very captivating.....but somehow I missed that Edward love train...maybe there's something wrong with me???
I want to see the movie...maybe you can invite me to that party you guys are gonna have!?
Love ya...
...this comment has got to be the longest one in the history of all comments!
LOVE LOVE LOVE the Twilight series!! I've read them all several times now (I skip to all the juicy parts of course). But, I have to say I'm on Team JACOB. Even after the fourth, still a big Jacob fan. Bella bugged me in the third book since she couldn't make up her mind but I got over it. So glad you like them too!
Alicia- I'm waiting a bit to read the rest. I better do some more constructive things first...if I can. :) All book 3 did was make me mad at Bella! :) If Edward came back to me, well don't even get me started!!! lol
Jen F - Girl you are cracking me up!! Just breath...it's ok...really! :) I just love Edward. I think because it's almost every girls fantasy. A gorgeous guy that actually thinks you're perfect, is pretty much a super hero so he can protect you from anything, is smart and may want to make ME perfect someday. Who wouldn't want that? Ok, maybe someone. :)
Enjoy book 4 my friend...
I am in love with Edward too!!!! Don't tell Buck!!!! I still have the 4th book to read...I'm prolonging it because I don't want it to end and I know that if I read it, it will all be over. *sniff sniff*
I cant wait for the next movie!!
:} Glad I am not the only Jacob fan!
And I am breathing girl...well...maybe I am huffing and puffing because I am still mad at Stephanie for the content she put in Chpt. 5 of Breaking Dawn...
I know I'm in a boat all by myself here, but I really didn't like book 1. Actually, I'm 30 pages from the end and my interest in lost. I thought the book was boring...I know, don't freak out on me! I thought her writing was way too simplistic for my taste. (I know that was her intent) I did see the movie and thought it was okay. Maybe I should download it to my ipod? Good suggestion! I kept waiting to fall in love with it but never did :( Try Jodi Picoult, now she's a great author!
I finished reading Breaking Dawn today and I was very pleased with the ending. I can't wait for tbe March 21st...PARRRTY!
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