Tuesday, January 20, 2009

history is made

Today the Country welcomed in it's 44Th President and the first African American one at that. What a day in history and I am glad that it happened in my lifetime. It no longer matters who you voted for, but really that we just support our President and pray that he leads our Country in the right direction.

I do love all the hopefulness that surrounds this election. My hope would be though that people remember that it will take time for change and not too expect miracles. The President is only human! I think many people jumped on the "Obama bandwagon" along with all the hype, mostly younger voters. I hope that they understand that things take time and enjoy the entire election process, not just the win. :)

Here's to making history...


Jennifer said...

You're a sweet heart! I didn't even watch the inauguration...and haven't read anything about it...I guess at some point I will have to start paying attention to stuff he does...

Monty and Kristin said...

Good for you for documenting this! I watched the inauguration while at the gym this morning. It kept my mind off the fact that i was dying. I wish him luck. I hope he can do all he thinks he can.

Anonymous said...

great post hun....you're right...we do need to support and pray for our new president.

Harshes said...

did my long comment not get posted?

Michelle said...

January- I never got another comment from you on this one :(