Monday, March 30, 2009

far behind

I'm way behind on posting, I know! We have been busy in this house or we have been sick...darn colds. Here are some recent pics of the kids that I wanted to get posted. I will post again soon, I promise, but I just need to catch up on some editing first and a million other things it seems like. :)

Dustin teaching Christian how to play the video gameDon't you just love all the finger smudges in these two


Jennifer said...

Your kids are looking older to me...maybe it's just that their hair is longer????

Hope your editing is going great and that you're having fun with it...wish you were here to help me hang some pictures...I finally printed some that I took of the kids and the picture Dustin took of our fam. when you guys were I just don't know where to hang them!

Monty and Kristin said...

I can't believe how big your kids look in these pictures too and I just saw them last week!!! Hope you guys feel better soon.

Michelle said...

Yes, and they think they are about 16 with those attitudes too!!! LOL

Veronica Peterson said...

They look so much alike too.

Harshes said...

Oh my gosh, Chloe is soooo big! She looks like a toddler, not a baby anymore! I love your shelves and decorations too! And Christian's hair is long and fun!

Anonymous said...

I am so loving on Chloe's hair...where does she get those curls???

Hope you are good hun!!! Love ya!

Olson Family said...

Hey just wanted to let you know your background is way cute!!! Spring is finally here! Oh and Jeremy LOVES that Dustin is showing Christian how to play video games already~boys!