Chloe's 18 month stats:
height- 2'8"
weight- 25lbs
head circum- 49.5cm
60Th percentile for both height and weight
After her doc appt we headed to Disneyland for some family fun. We had been trying hard to get there the past few weeks, but it just hadn't worked out. Dustin was able to take the day off from work and we had a blast. We thought for sure it would be crowded since some schools are already in Spring break mode, but we were pleasantly surprised. It wasn't bad at all! We got to do all that we wanted to and then some and even left early so Dustin wouldn't be too tired for work the next day. Chloe had a bit of a hard day since she wasn't feeling too well, but overall she was a trooper and had a good time. We all had a good time!!
So sad that Chloe ws sick. It's hard to tell is they are sick or not when they are still teething...I blame everything on teething!
Weston is hitting that early terrible two stage. How Chloe started throwing fits yet?
Glad you guys made it to D-Land!
That's how I found out about many a ear mistake.
Thank goodness they can tell me now.
Can Chloe come for a sleepover with Auntie??? Auntie misses her!
I can't believe how fast she is growing up! She'd better not lose a tooth very soon! What a beautiful little girl . . .
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