On Saturday we went to our sister in law Nikki's nephew's birthday party. The family rented a huge water slide bouncer and the kids had a blast on it. Christian was on there just about the entire time I think. And sometimes all by himself...he was in heaven. Chloe didn't like it, but her mean mom still wanted to see her go down so Uncle Andy went with her.
The kids had a blast, but Christian is paying the price now. He and Chloe were just getting over being sick and all the exhaustion set him back a bit. Hopefully he will be back to his old self soon. He would probably say it was all worth it though!! :)
now this makes me jealous!!!! i wish we could live in Idaho...with California weather...but it would have to be a secret otherwise too many people would want to move here!!! miss ya!!!
oh..and a vacation trip up the coast would be a blast for you guys!!
FUN! We saw one of those blow up things at Costco...it ONLY cost $749! :] It was seriously HUGE...the girls could see it from wherever we were in the store and kept asking for it! Wouldn't it be fun to have one all summer long?? Maybe if it didn't take up my whole back yard...
Addie just came in and saw the picture of Chloe sitting by the pool and said, "She's gonna fall in with her clothes on!"
Jen, she did fall in. LOL Only on the steps though! I didn't put her bathing suit on cause I really didn't want her swimming, but by the end of the day she was soaked anyways. She had fun though!!!
Your so funny... Although I must say, Chloe looks more comfortable and safe sitting on the side of the pool under her dad's watchful eyes then she did going down that slide with Andy...
Looks like so much fun! I want one of those slides today! Funny about Chloe falling in! What a crack up! Sorry we missed it.
The Saddest part was after everyone left. Hayden went down the slide once by himself and he looked around and said, "this is no Fun without my friends Chase, and Christian." And then he came up to me and asked me to call them and have them come back. Then he said, "Can Mia and Emma come back too?" He didn't even ask for his own cousins. Hayden loved having the kids there. We are all glad that you guys could make it. thanks again!
It was fun watching the kids have fun. Christian sure loved that slide. Get well soon Christian.
Poor Chloe. She looks so tortured. Although, you can tell she loves the pool. So, is this giving you any ideas for Christian's birthday in the heat of August?
umm...sign me up for the blow up water slide please..that loooks so fun!! haha..chloe's face is priceless...glad you guys are having good weather hope the kiddies are better soon!
Did you see the shoulders on Christian in that one picture? Wow! I loved the one with Choe going down with Andy. She was NOT having any fun. But it was a beautiful picture of her not having any fun! Christian is a legend from that day. I heard he was on the slide the whole time. And he never stopped smiling. Cool.
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