On Tuesday Dustin interviewed for a new position at work and on Thursday we found out that he got it! We are so happy for this change. He was very happy in his current position, but that dept is going to be closing down at the end of the month. The worst outcome could have been for him to have to go back to collections on the phone and get yelled at all day. We are SO glad this didn't have to happen!!
He will be in the REO dept starting March 1st. He will be the closing coordinator for the bank owned houses that his company sells. He is very excited for this new position and we are too. He gets to keep his weekends off and will have less stress and that is always a good thing. :)
Tuesday morning the kids made signs for daddy and sent it to him on the cell phone.

Christian's picture

Chloe's picture (1st one ever I think)

We just know that this is why he got the job!!! :)
HOORAY!!! That's awesome news!
How cute. Congratulations!
Congratulations guys!!!! what great news!!
Also...loving the Chris LeDoux song!!! that takes me back fo sho!!!!
YEAH for less stress and weekends off!! That's awesome!
CONGRATULATIONS DUSTIN!!!! Getting a bette job in this crap economy is definately a thing to be celebrated!!! Can't wait to see you all this weekend!!
Hi Michelle! You are SO talented with photography! I wish I could do better :) I just love all the fun stuff you do with the kids. They are getting so big! Have fun!
Congrats to Dustin and to all of you. Change is scary but the recession is worse. This is good news for you all.
Congratulations. That is awesome. Glad you are off the phones and doing something you will enjoy. I love the pictures from the kids. Those are keepers. Cute idea Michelle sending the pics over the phone. That is really cute. Christian looks so proud. good job guys and galls.
That is wonderful! I am so happy for you guys. No one likes being yelled at all day. Brandon used to do collections for Discover Card. Blah!
I love Cloe's first picture!
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