So sad, I know! The good news is that it seems to look a lot worst to us than it feels to him. His spirits are still really good and he doesn't seem to notice it all that much (itching). And the rash looks a bit better today so it looks like he's on the mend!! :)
OH my word! I am glad that's not bothering him...looks like hives, am I right?
Hope he's on the mend and that you don't have to visit the dr. again anytime soon!
I think it's a type of hives for sure. Weird thing is it looks just like this nasty rash I got when I was prego woith Chloe and twice since. In fact, I got them a bit on our trip to see you!! :)
Aww, poor thing! Hope it goes away soon!!
Wow that is so sad. I am so sorry that happened. My heart really goes out to the kid. It reminds me of a picture I saw of his face when he was little and his face was covered with hives. He is still looking cute and that is the most important thing right. :o) Sorry Christian!!!!
that happened to Mallory when she was about 1 year old...she was allergic to her amoxicillan. she felt fine, but looked so bad!!!
Jen~ That's exactly what he is allergic too. Looks like they are meant for each other again!! :)
Poor little dude. They just keep throwing them at you don't they mama, hope you get a break from it all sometime soon!
That last comment was Katie, apparently I was signed in as Mario, oops.
It does look terrible, but I'm sure glad he's okay. What a trooper! I hope he gets better fast.
Oh my goodness!! that looks horrible. I bet you were so scared. Did they find something to help it? Sorry! Poor dude!
Poor kid
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