Now here is where it gets good. The park closed early at 8pm. So we headed over to our hotel because we had planned on going back today. Well our room number was 911 so that should have been our first sign. We got things settled in and then the boys went to find us some dinner. I tried to get Chloe to sleep, but no luck. She wasn't going down and the entire time I just had a bad feeling about the place. We had stayed there plenty of times before and love it, but this time was different. The room had a damp feeling to it. Dustin and I both described it as a dewy feeling like when the dew rolls in during the early morning. The whole room felt wet, even the beds.
We don't like to complain so we tried to make the best of it. Well after about 2 hours of not getting Chloe to stay asleep all heck broke loose. She wouldn't stop crying and I mean like crazy loud can't breath crying. That seemed to be the problem, she couldn't breath in that room. We decided to pack up, wake Christian up and head home. It was the best thing we could have done. As soon as we left that room she was fine. They did offer us a new room, but you know once you are at that point you just want to go home. Oh yeah, and the phone rang once out of nowhere. I swear there was something weirdly wrong with that room. You know what I mean...when you just get that feeling about something and can't shake it.
So needless to say after getting home about 2am we were nothing but lazy today. The kids slept in and got good naps also, they sure needed it.
sounds creepy...i wonder if the place was filled with wet mold or something. gross. ps....the pics look really good...lightroom???? i need it stat!
The new Toy Story ride? I didn't even know they had a new ride :( Urg, another downside of living in Texas, haha!! So that really stinks about your room, but on the bright side...your photos from Disneyland are so great. Not surprising, all your photos are so good!!
That's crazy about your hotel room...maybe someone died there and it was haunted!! (j/k!) ;)
If/when we ever take our kids to'll have to tell us the "most see" places...I haven't gone in 10 years...I am sure it's TONS different now.
You sure are an adventurous family. Good luck the next time at the hotel.
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