Do you remember where you were and what you were doing when you heard the news?? Do you remember those heart breaking images? Do you remember being shocked, then sad, then scared, then angry and then wanting revenge?

Well I do! I was a student at the time and I was at home getting ready for class. I got a call from my sister asking me if I saw the news yet. Well I hadn't and as I was still on the phone with her I turned it on and watched the second plane hit the towers. I will never forget that image! Like a lot of young adults I really didn't know a lot about world affairs and politics. I had a History class that morning and made sure to be there. I think that it was a wake up call for a lot of Americans that morning.

We are so quick to judge and list all the things that are wrong with this country, but what about all the good things. It's easy to point the finger and judge those in power, but we are not in their shoes. We often stress about the decisions we have to make for our family, can you imagine doing it for the entire country? I can't!
Here are just a few reasons why I love this country:
* we are free to marry who WE want
* freedom of religion and speech
* freedom to choose how many children we want
* the abundance of luxuries
* as a woman, the ability to vote, work or not work if we want to
* education
* clean water to drink
* the chance to vote for our leaders
These are just a few of the reasons I am grateful to be an American. They may sound simple, but many wish they had these simple things.
So as you remember those hero's of September 11Th also remember those less fortunate both here and in other countries. Remember the anger you felt that day 7 years ago and remember why we continue to fight for our freedom and those who are less fortunate than us.
I am so glad you did this post. I, like you. I remember where I was and how I felt. That day was definately a wake up call. I don't want to ever forget the good about that day strangers helped one another and people came together to lend support without being asked. I think that day was the worst for America, but it also showed the best in America
I was on my way to work when found out. Then when I got to work we listened to it unfold on the radio. It was such a weird day.
I too am SO GRATEFUL to live in our country. To have the freedom I have. I know ppl do not even realize how blessed we really are. Especially as women!!!
I'm thankful for your post too! Amen to it all sister! Yeah, I remember I was sleeping and Monty came into tell me what happened. We were living on an airforce base at the time and it went on full alert and Monty went into a manditory meeting with the General on base. Tyler was 6 months old and I couldn't believe it! We watched it all week!! Amazing that 7 years later so many have forgotten the feelings they felt that day and that there are things worth fighting for! We are so lucky to be American!! Thanks again for your post!
I was pregnant with Mia, she was born 3 days later! Talk about totally differnt ends of the spectrum. 9/11 and then the birth of our first daughter. WOW!
Erik was at the gym and saw it on the tv there, me I was still at home asleep.
Mom and Dad were suppose to come up that day to visit us and go out to lunch, they ended up cancelling.
I remember trying to call my parents who live in Pennsylvania and not being able to get through, all the phone lines were down or busy. It was nervewracking until I got ahold of them.
Do you remember the plane that went down in PA? It was close to my parents but closer to my aunt. And I couldn't get hold of anyone for hours.
So, 9/11 always makes me sad but then I remember to not give up hope. Miracles do still happen.
Thanks, Michelle! I needed to remember to not give up hope. Remember when we talked about my little breakdown, well, I think I'm coming out of it now. Partly thanks to you but mostly because of Erik who sat me down and made me talk about everything!
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