Yesterday I decided to take a lesson from my sil Veronica and take the kids to the park to feed the ducks. Christian had fun for about 30 seconds then I got to finish up for him. :)It was a pretty fun time though and we will do it agian soon I'm sure.
This also gave me the chance to get a few new pics to use in my new editing program. I am still VERY new with it, but both Dustin and I are having fun playing with it. Thought I would share a few.

wow...those look great. so lightroom is worth the $$ huh? show us more!!!!
Wow, it looks amazing! How much was the program? You got me interested!! CUTE KIDS TOO!
Michelle, you get better and better by the day! I love the first before and after!!!
so you got it... looks good...
I love that you were able to make the shady pic of Chloe work! The borders are cute too! I for sure need to look into that software.
Thank you all for the NICE & ENCOURAGING words. It does mean a lot. I love this new hobby, but sometimes feel like "what am I and why am I doing this?" So thanks for the comments. Love you all!! :)
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