We spent the past two days at Disneyland with him and I must admit that this was one of the funnest times. He was so vocal this time about what he liked and wanted to do. The only bad thing was that it was a bit too crowded for our taste and we weren't able to do a lot of the things that he wanted to. He also was a little short for a few rides and wasn't too happy about that at all. He had us laughing a lot with how animated he was when he saw something he recognized or liked. We saw Mickey Mouse and decided to get a picture with him since the line was actually short. I thought that Christian might be old enough to enjoy it. Was I ever wrong!! It was a funny moment in the day. Chloe was a good girl for us the entire time. The only negative is that she is a COMPLETE wiggle worm. It was no fun trying to hold her on some of the rides and the first day she fought the stroller pretty hard. It was a fun time and we can't wait to go back next month once it's a little less crowded and hot.
We decided to pick up a cake and some ice cream on the way home and have a little family celebration. Why did we bother? He didn't even so much as have one bite. And to end the night he found the remaining cake still on the table and thought it should be thrown on the dog and across the floor. So glad I made the effort to get the kid a cake!! :) We will have his real birthday party with his family and friends next weekend...it should be a fun time.
These are some pics from our past two days. There are a lot so that I can remember them for my journal.
getting ready to watch the parade
Looks like you had a blast at Disney....followed by a big ol' mess at home. thats hilarious!!!! I have a picture of me holding mallory on that exact merry go round at disneyland. love ya hun!!!!
Who doesn't enjoy their day at Disneyland???
Sorry about the cake and dog. Alyssa kept dropping her cake on the ground for Qbert, Greg's parents' dog. He was in heaven. It was a hot pink cake, so he had a lot of hot pink fur on his back thanks to Alyssa.
With all of the ingredients on the floor already and the heat here in California I am surprised that you didn't already have a cake made on your floor:) Before we end up in Utah I want to get a year pass to Disneyland for the family, maybe for Christmas one year instead of presents.
Oh! No! The cake was on the carpet!? I guess that's ONE way to remind you on the pain you went through bringing him into this world!
Disneyland looks so fun! That's awesome that you guys can go whenever you want!
The pictures are great! Your kids are going to be able to relive so many fun memories through them!
Glad to hear you guys had a great time in Disneyland. We have really missed going. We feel the same about the heat and the crowds. when it cools off a bit and everyone is back in school we are going to go a few more times before our passes expire.
Disney for his birthday? Wicked! LOL. OK, I have a friend that is in the UK for the summer and she's been using it.
I can not believe that mess on your carpet? How does your carpet stay nice? We have to get ours cleaned every few months!!!
Glad to know you guys had a fun time.
Chloes hair is growing.
I swear you should invent your own carpet cleaning advertisment!! I'm guessing your carpet cleaner is your best friend!
Looks like Disneyland was a lot of fun. Sorry it was so hot!
Yes, our steam clener has become a good friend of ours! This kid is something else alright!
We love Disneyland. And going twice pays for itself and all the discounts you get with your pass more than pay for themselves. If you don't have one and live here than you should get one for sure! Hey, maybe we can meet up for some fun together there! :)
August 21, 2008 9:01 PM
Look at all those teeth in Chloe's mouth, so big. Disney is like your 'playground', fun picturs. I can not imagine what your rug looks like with all of your pictures. The post was so funny, starting out talking about how you can look past all his 'tornadoness' to see the inner angel and end with a picture of his....well, tornadoness :)
Looks like an awesome day. I love the shot of the cake and the dog. That is funny. The kids look super happy in the pictures.
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