On Wednesday after Christian had me ready to enroll him in Military school, I decided to change the environment a bit. I was so mad at him and didn't even want to think what he was going to destroy in the house next. So I decided to take him out of the situation. We decided to go chase some trains. We went for a little drive to some near by R.R. tracks in the hopes that a train would come by. We were in luck! He was so excited to see it until it blew it's whistle (as usual). He hit the floor of the car and hid until the train had passed us for the most part. After it was gone he decided that he wanted to see it again. He is so funny!It was a good break for us and it helped to change the mood.
My visit with Jen also ended last night. :( We went to dinner last night and had a fun time just chatting for way too long. She heads back to Idaho today with her two beautiful girls. The next time we see her she will have a new baby boy added to her family! :)

I was really afraid that you were going to say that Christian doesn't like trains anymore and that he's scared of them. I glad you didn't.
i miss you michelle!!!! :( the pics of the girls are fabulous!!!
Very cute pics!
Okay...I just looked at Jen's blog to see what you were talking about with the difference in the lens....I WANT that lens!
hi jennifer flake!!!! I just ordered mine I liked it so well...you should definately get it if you can!!!! we can thank michelle for our expensive new hobby!!!!! :) :)
Michelle, you are so smart...I know Ethan is not even close to Christian's age...but I too get frustrated and what a great idea to just get up and go to change the environment...etc! Good job mom!:)
a train lover too... yipee...
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