Then the kids and I had to go to the store to get a few things. Then we headed home to try and get the kids to have a nap before I headed out to do a shot for a friend. Oh, also we were writing and placing an ad for my dad and had also been dealing with his 7-10 phone calls (no joke) to me throughout the day. So Dustin got home we talked for about 20 minutes then I went to Amy's for pictures (more to come on this session later).

Then it was home again. Dustin decided to give our two 4 legged kids a bath because they were stinking up the joint while I decided what to do for dinner. Then it was bath time for the other two kids. This was pretty fun because it was Chloe's first bubble bath and she did love it, well except when she drank too much water as usual.
Friday morning we met my bestie Jen, who is in town this week, and her girls at the park for some camera practice. The kids had so much fun and I was so happy to have time with Jen.(more pics on this soon)

Then it was home to grab some lunch and hopefully a nap for the kids. We ended the night at Nikki's house to celebrate her birthday. It was a lot of fun! We all enjoyed the cool pool I think.
This next week is already proving to be just as busy. Dustin and/or I have something every night this week so far. I hope we survive!!
Wow, you guys had a lot of fun! Part of that fun was with us. We had a blast too. Don't forget about Iron Chef friday night. Dustin said he'd be a judge.
Holy COW! You have been busy...and I totally called you at the WRONG time the other day! SO sorry about that!!!!
Hey! I think I remember the Lomenicks from the Rialto Stake...there was a girl my age but I don't remember her name!!!
i LOVE the bubble bath picture of Chloe!!! That is priceless....
Your kids are so brave to take bubble baths. I tried one about a year ago and Kory was in tears because he couldn't see the bottom. Tyler can't take them because of his skin, so i don't even bother! Maybe I should try with trey...heaven only knows it couldn't make his baths any worse!! The kid drives me crazy!
Well Jennifer, you have 5 girls to choose from. Lodema, Shauna, Kimberly, Kari, and Amber.
Michelle, can you please email me the pic of Landon's feet. thanks!
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