So these past few days I have had some things on my mind and just thought I would give some shout outs (why not,right).
Jen C- I am sending you labor vibes and thinking of you SO much. I can't wait to meet Tyler and capture some of those sweet memories for you. You are the most wonderful best friend I could have ever asked for.
Marci, Nikki & Andy- Thanks you so much for helping me with the kids while I have been SO busy this month with pictures. I don't have many people to watch my kids and I appreciate it SO much. Marci you have really gone above my plea and I am grateful. It's nice to have family!!
Jen F- What can I say, an instant friend! I just feel like you are so busy this time of year and I am thinking of you. Your heart is so big and giving and I'm glad that you are MY friend.
Katie G- My foreign friend. :) Sending you SO much love this time of year. You have a new blessing to be a part of the family, but another part of you will be missing for the holidays. You are an example of strength and I love you. Can't wait to see you in a few months!!
our blogging family- We appreciate you taking the time to blog. We know that it's hard sometimes and maybe you don't really feel like there is much to blog about. Our families are spread all over and this really does help us to feel closer to you and get to know you better.
my hubby- Some of you may have noticed that Dustin has lost some weight. About 25lbs to be exact. I am so proud of him and his effort. When he decides to do something, he does it. He was so disciplined and I admire him for that, since I'm so not. :) Also he is a great support to me in every way. He supports me so much in my dreams and goals and then in my rough times as well. Love you D!!
So these are some of my shout-outs for the moment. This time of year just has me thinking a lot about what is important and I wanted to share a bit, hope you don't mind. :)
Michelle you are so sweet. You have an amazing group of people that you are surrounded by. Keep up the good work.
Letti- yes, they are an amazing group, just too bad most of them live far away and the local ones I hardly get to see (wink,wink) :)
Michelle, that was one of the sweetest things I have ever read, thank you. It came at the end of a long day and the smile it gave me was much needed! I feel very fortunate to have a friendship with you again...after all these years! I wish you the best, always.
Katie- I'm glad it put a smile on your face. I have been feeiling a little low on the friendship pole lately so I thought I would do something to make ME feel good, but I'm glad it made you feel good too!
You are so sweet and and honestly count myself so blessed to have you as a friend and to be counted as one of yours! "Horray" for blogs huh!? We could've been friends a LONG time ago if technology hadn't kept us apart! :) I truly believe that we met when we were supposed to meet though. We have SO much in common it's crazy (hyper active kids...an expensive hobby!) I am still blown away by the fact that you and your family came all the way to Snowflake to see me and shoot my nieces wedding with me. You're amazing!
Can't wait until the next time we can hang out!!! (hmmm...what excuse can we come up with??? It's definately my turn to come there huh?)
Thank you so much Michelle. I know I am truly blessed from above to have a friend like you in my life. I believe the Lord had a special plan in mind when he had our paths cross so very long ago!!!! I love you!!!
Okay, that is about the sweetest thing I have heard all week! Thanks I needed the little pick me up, I've been feeling kind of emotional and depressed this week!
By the way, your kids are no problem! They are welcome here anytime. The girls LOVE having them over and they all play great together! Friends as well as cousins!
I have really enjoyed blogging its fun to look back at older posts. If it weren’t for blogging I would have forgotten when Chase was potty trained, Savannah first walk and etc…. Thanks for getting me started. I hope to keep it up for next year.
I see you had to take new family photos with Dustin's skinny-mini self.
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