Last night we decided to decorate it and it was interesting. Christian actually enjoyed it and did a pretty good. He seemed to like the same spot so when he wasn't looking I would move a few ornaments around for him. :) Chloe wanted to help also, but after her third attempt at eating the ornaments we sent her on her way.
Dustin and I are also notorious for picking out our own Christmas presents each year and they usually come before Christmas and we open them right away, this year was no exception. Dustin wanted a raclette machine which he used in Switzerland a lot while on his mission. It came in the mail a few days ago and last night we tried it out. Yummy!!
My gift came today in the mail and I had to try it right out. It's a fabulous new lens for my camera and so here is a random picture of one of our Christmas decorations.
And we will end this one with a laugh courtesy of Christian. Last night he insisted that his pajama bottoms went on his head. Every time I would remove them he would throw a fit. Kids!!
I love your little tree. It looks great up high out of reach. I love your new lens grest job on the photography.
HEY!!! You guys are cheaters! NO OPENING GIFTS UNTIL CHRISTMAS! :)
Lovin' the little tree. We're going to get ours tomorrow...and I was going to get a full size one...but then went to my neighbors and she was ready to take hers down because her 18 month old wouldn't leave it it looks like we'll have another 4 footer this year!
I love the pajamas on the head! ...haha...and what a cute little tree!!
Michelle - I love the little Christmas tree. I'm going to steal your idea. My husband is a little "bah humbug" with getting a tree this year since we'll be in Ca and not here in UT, so I'll have to get a small one. Oh, I left a message for you on my blog..check it out! :)
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