Here is a picture of Christian passed out on the couch earlier this week. Poor little guy was just exhausted!

My best friend Jen and here family came for a visit yesterday. They are in town for the week from Idaho visiting her family that is still here in Cali. It was so great to see her, but at the same time made me sad. We didn't get to visit very long and I was sad to see her go. Hopefully I will get to see her one more time this week before she heads home. Can you believe that I didn't even take a picture? Too busy visiting I guess.
HOpe you guys are all feeling better! Cute little christian looks so comfy!..isn't it sad that after you become a mom you don't get the luxury of napping while sick! Just for that we shouldn't get sick ever..hope it doesn't last too much longer. If you are still feeling yucky try Zycam, i swear it is magical medicine.
Mucinex is great too...gets all the guncky stuff cleared out faster.
That's so fun that got to see your friend! Hope you get to hang out again!
Sorry you got sick too! Yuck. Glad you enjoyed your friends visit! Hope you see her again and get a picture or two!!:)
I hope you have a better week and the kids and you get better soon.
*sniff* *sniff*....i'm sad we didnt get to see each other very much either. but I'm coming in August and its a much more relaxed trip. just me and the girls coming to hang out. you know what would be guys could come to my dads house for the day and we could get some AWESOME pics with our cameras(maybe i'll know how to use mine by then) it will be like 20 degrees cooler than the valley.
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