We decided that we were super moms and could take all our kids with us on this adventure. What the heck were we thinking?? It was hard enough to try and stay some what in front of Savannah as she ran every direction possible. Then to try and keep an eye on Chloe as she crawled every direction and Chase and Christian looked for as much mud as they could find. At one point Christian even managed to roll down a hill and get covered in mud. Oh, the sight!!
It was a fun morning to look back on now and laugh, but I don't think I will be trying it again anytime soon. Thanks for the adventure guys and here are a few of my favorite shots from the day.

I even managed to snap a few shots of my kids
Very cute. I would have just taken pics of the kids in the mud! Whatcha gonna do? Ya know?! And you are super mom! Have you been using photoshop? It seems like that's half the job of a photographer these days!
The pictures look awesome! I like all the pics you took of Savannah. They are very cute! Your kids pics are cute too. It was very hard trying to watch the kids all at the same time. I didn't think it as going to be so hard to do put when I look back it makes me laugh as well. Thank you for the advanture.
I love the little girls dresses! Those are some adorable kids! Kids always have a way of looking more tame in pictures though! lol :)
January- I totally thought of getting the mud pics too late. I really don't use photoshop too much at all. Only if there is a blemish or something like that. Gina gave me some great advice, "learn how to use your camera really well so that you won't have to use photoshop, it takes up way too much time." I couldn't agree more. I see a lot of phototogs that use a lot of ps and I don't like it. I think it statrs to loose the picture and look too fake. Just my opinion though. :)
WAY CUTE!! I love the picture with Savannah's finger on her chin! You did a great job! Love Chloe's outfit! So fun! You're so sweet to do that for all of us!:)
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