My friend Letti had this on her blog and she challenged her friends to leave a memory about her in her comments. I was excited to see it because I had been wanting to do something similar for a few weeks now myself. So I decided to do the same on my blog. I am excited to see what everyone comes up with. So come on... I know you can think of some funny, sad, or boring memory of me.
1. Leave one memory that you and I had together, as a comment on my blog. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot or if we are old friend or new friends, anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.
I'll always remember going up the coast and seeing a goat. How many goats do you see at the beach?
I'll always remember us getting fried at the lake....we were crazy!!! Also, our crazy times in Prescott, being at the lake when you found out for the first time that your mom was sick, church camp with Katie, too many to name hun!!!! I love you so much and hope to have many more memories of our friendship to add to my memory bank. :)
Funny thing Michelle..i think i've only met you in person ONCE but i remember it because we all got together at grandma and grandpa Peterson's house like the weekend before i got married. I remember thinking to myself.."WOW..dustin did GOOD for himself, she is TOO CUTE!!!!" so glad i've gotten to know you better through this blog thing! Can't wait for the next family reunion..i feel liek we'll be old buddies :)
My memory of you was when Dustin proposed marriage in front of the whole YSA in a video he made for you. It was sooo sweet.
Wow I have so many memories I don't know which one to choose. I think I will choose the first time I saw you. I was working at Stater Bros. and you would come and do the Grocery Shopping all be yourself. I remember thinking to myself this girl is really young to be doing this. LIttle did I know that I know that our paths would cross in so many ways. I am so honored to be your friend.
One of my first momory of us together was when Greg and I went on a double date with you and Dustin. We watched MY BIG FAT GREEK WEDDING. We both didn't talk to each other. I think because we were both really quite and it was are fisrt time meeting each other. AM I right?
I remember the night that I asked Lizeth to marry me. We met you and Dustin at Huntington Beach and you guys set everything up for me. We cooked up some hot-dogs and had a really fun time together. You guys left early and later on I popped the question. This was the first double date that we went on with you and Dustin. Little did I know at the time that you two would actually be married before I was. I now have millions of moments with you two but this one stood out in my mind now. You guys Rock :)
Wow! I can't believe that I have forgotten some of these.
Jen- I don't even remember being at the lake and finding out about my mom. I mean it sounds a bit familiar, but wow.
Veronica- Ok, I have no memory at all about being at that movie. I meanI know I saw it, but I even thought I saw it on video. :)
So thanks for the memories everyone and keep them coming!! AS you can see I need all the reminding that I can get!
hi hun...I totally remember you talking to your parents about it. I don't think that it was very urgent at the time, but I believe that it was from then on that everything with her health started happening. It was the summer before our sophmore year I think...do you remember?
So, I married Monty while Dustin was on his mission. I'm not sure he'll ever forgive me for that, but oh well...what is done is done. I was so sad he was mad, but knew that one day he'd find the girl of his dreams and understand why I did what I did. I remember one time when we were visiting from Cheyenne and Dustin showed me this picture of this beautiful girl named Michelle and told me that she was someone that he could imagine spending the rest of his life with. I couldn't wait to meet you. When I finally did I could see why he loved you so much. You are so fun, so cute, and love to laugh. I know that is what made him fall in love with you. Anyway, I waited a long time to meet you...even before I knew it was going to be you!! When I did you did not disappoint! I love your kindness. Since that date I have enjoyed you each and every time I've seen you! I love your blog too...it helps me feel closer to you...eventhough we are far away!
I know I'm late but I want to play too!
My favorite memories of Michelle always include her laughing. You have such a sweet contagious laugh! When I'm having a not so good day your laughter helps lighten my dark mood!
Thanks for always being there! You probably don't even realize how much you help me.
Oh my goodness! Reading these makes me just want to cry! I am SO lucky to have you as my blogging buddy!
I remember getting yours and Dustins wedding invitation in the mail and thinking you were so pretty and that I was so happy for Dustin...but I never would have thought I'd actaully get to KNOW you! It's been great these past few months to have you to "talk" to and learn from...the one time I did get to talk to you was so fun! I totally lost track of time and yapped FOREVER and I am sure you have changed your phone number so that you wont have endure my endless chatter again...but you just felt like a friend from day one and I totally LOVE that about you! :)
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