Christian will be 3 next month and then that means that the following month Chloe will be 1. I don't think that I can handle that! :)
Chloe's new thing to do all the time is her head stand. She stands for a bit on her own, but not too long. She does take a step, but then falls right down. I think that she realizes that she is getting a mouth full of teeth because she has turned into a little biter. And I think every morning she wakes up with more hair.
Christian is just a little parrot and copies most things that you say to him. He is getting so tall and that reminds me that I need to get him some new church pants. He has become that kid with the high water pants that I used to make fun of. :) And after this box of diapers is done then we start the potty training. Oh man, wish me luck with the task.
I KNOW! WHAT THE HECK?! It's crazy, huh? Chloe does look so much older in these pics. Her head stand is ADORABLE! How sweet! Isn't it so fun to watch them? Annabelle turned 9 months on the 9th and yesterday she realized she really could walk, so now she is walking all over! I can't believe it. It actually looks kinda funny b/c she's so small! You have 2 cute kids though, that's for sure!
They grow up so fast!!! But they are growing up darling and sweet. Wait till your kids are turning 6 and 7! Emma is turning 6 in August and Mia is turning 7 in September.
We just got your kid's birthday gifts the otrher day and the girls are so excited that their birthdays are in the same months as your kids! Yeah, the girls were the ones to figure that out! They are too smart.
I can't wait to see those cutie pie loves when we get to Cali!!! I remember when Juliette was doing the headstand cute. They do grow up so fast...can you believe i'm going to have a 5 year old in a few weeks???? What the heck???
Good luck with potty training. It was very hard to get Chase to go to the toilet but it may be easy for you. Christian might even do it by himself. I didn't like the potty training stage. It took 5 months.
Kids do grow fast. Every time i look at Ryan he seems a little different. I remember when i came back from the Sierra trip (4days) he was a completely different kid. Im kind of freaked out because I will be gone for 8 days. He is going to be so different. Good luck with potty training.
I think that is all on purpose... it makes you want another baby. It will be a sad day when I don't have a baby to laugh at.
we totally want to see it again. sister fields is that person to talk to about tickets.
I'm so glad that I came over the other day. It was so fun to see Christian in his own element. He was so different at your home than he is at church.
Oh, good luck with the potty training. Those are days I don't miss and don't look forward to.
So cute! I agree! Kids grow way to fast! Love the pictures of Chloe on her head! So funny! You've got a clown...or should I say...another clown!:) Just have fun, cuz you can't stop it!
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