Well first of all it's the first full day of Spring and what a beautiful day it was. I love it!!
Now for the madnees. First there was Christian's madness that erupted when we got home from the store because he couldn't open the train set because it is a bday present for someone else. That turned into a cry fest on his bedroom floor for I don't know how long. Pretty funny actually! Then there is the madness between Christian and Jet (our dog child). This poor dog gets tortured so bad by Christian. One of his favorite things to do is bury Jet with pillows and what ever else he can find and then jump on him. We have the best dog ever to put up with this EVERYDAY!!

And then there is the March madness that steals my husband every year. Well it started today and we were late getting home from the store and so I was to blame if his beloved Duke lost. Thank goodness they pulled it off at the very last second. So for now I am a widow until the season is over, but wait...then another sport season begins. Life is a blast!!

I hear ya on being a widow during sports season! It is amazing to me that I can fold laundry while reading a book to one child, carry on half a conversation with another and still have one eye on whatever the other kid is up to...but when that dang game is on it's like..."earth to Brandon...hello???" I will never get used to it!...okay...so he's not THAT bad...but still!...
I am SO living spring too!!! Can't wait to go plant some flowers!
Did I say "sports season" in my comment? That was dumb...but, every season is sports season...so I guess that pretty much does sum it up!
This is ridiculous that I am leaving another comment...sorry...but I don't know your email address...ALSO...my baby, Weston, just turned 6 months old on the 16th (to answer your question!)...there...I think I'm done!
So today was my torture shopping day! Kyle acted as if he was going to die and I think my boys all throught they were kung-fu masters cuz they couldn't keep their feet on the ground. Anyway, I'm so happy to be home!
We actually had to get rid of tv because of sports. I miss my shows, but I don't miss him vegging...now he just does it on the internet though, so I don't know that it helped much! March Madness--must be the name all wives gave to the month! Love ya
Ha ha join the club except I like watching too.
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