Friday, March 14, 2008

what a day

What a great day! SO all day I have been excited because we were getting our family pictures done with the amazing Gina Lee. I got the kids their baths early in the day and made sure they had their naps so they would be fresh. All the prep work and we were still late! I swear, if I ever make it on time anywhere it will be a small miracle. But all things considered I think that the shoot went great and we had a fun time. Christian was in rock heaven and he had his choo-choo with him so he was a happy camper. And Chloe, well she was as sweet as always (except for her little mishap...wink wink Gina). :) So all in all in was a good day!!

Special thanks to Gina for this awesome preview!! Can't wait to see the rest!!

1 comment:

Letti said...

I keep checking her blog to see the pictures but nothing yet. I can't wait to see them?