Saturday, March 29, 2008

what a LONG day

So I thought this day may never end, but then I ended it.My goal for the entire day was to get our bedroom cleaned, deep cleaned (thanks Letti).I should have never taken Letti's challenge, just kidding I'm glad I did.All day I kept getting side tracked cleaning other things, playing with the kids and what ever else I did. Christian didn't have a nap today so he was just a joy towards the end of the night.Chloe wanted to be held a lot so she wouldn't let me get things done either.So here it is 9pm the kids are asleep and I still have to finish the room.All I can say is "migraine".I guess the room can wait cause I am done for the day. Let me just clear off the bed so I can have a place to sleep.There is always a fresh start and another day tomorrow, right?!
Our new table set for the porch Christian loves to hang out in Chloe's crib and make her laughMy comfy bed

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Cute table and chairs!! Lovin' the bed spread too! Your room looks clean to me!!!