After several long days of house cleaning I decided that it was time to get out. The dishes and laundry and what ever else needs to be done can with until tomorrow. I decided that I would take Christian to the park today. This is because I vowed to do this more and yesterday he seriously was walking around the house just looking for things to destroy. You could see it all over his face, so funny. Anyways the outing went good until I saw these cool trees that I wanted to check out. He had a fit, but once he found the dirt hole in one of them then all was great again. So we played some more and then attempted to leave. I say attempt and this is the reason I dread the park. So I start making my way to the car and where is Christian running the other way. I attempted to call him, but again he speaks another language so that didn't work. As he just gets further away I take Chloe in arm and then proced to chase the little stinker across the park.I could have strangled him and I'm sure it was a sight to see for the people there. When I told Dustin the story he got a good laugh, but I was not amused. I'm sure that I had steam coming from me ears and that kid was lucky that there were people around. That's all I can say!!
On a happy note...we got our family pictures today. They look amazing, but now I want to hurry up and paint the walls so I can get them up. Thanks Gina for giving me more work!! Well back to cleaning and life tomorrow.
Oh,and I got my first sunburn of the year today. Working on the farmer tan already!! :)

Isn't it so discouraging when leaving the house is harder than staying in it! It can only get better...I hope (for both our sakes). Love the pictures of Christian! He's so cute...even if he is a stinker at times. :)
I took my kids away screaming from the park last time too!! Sorry!! Glad you got out though! Looks like he has so much fun!! I say HE!! No, I'm sure you did too, but the park is a lot of work!!
So, what family picture did you pick!?
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