Well I wasn't going to blog tonight, but I felt a prompting to do so. Today was General Conference for our church and what that means is we watch a broadcast on TV from our Church leaders,this happens twice a year. So I have been a little down lately about ALL the duties of a stay at home mom. I sometimes feel like I don't contribute enough to the family and things like that. I won't get into too many details on that subject. :) There was one special talk today by Elder Ballard about Mother's. I so needed to hear that today. It gave me a little pick me up and made me realize that what I'm doing is what I should be doing and that it is a very important role. So when I put Christian to bed tonight I took the time to enjoy it. He was exhausted and fell asleep pretty quickly, but I just stayed with him a bit and enjoyed being with him. Dustin put Chloe to bed and the funny thing is he did the same with her. They won't be little for long so we need to enjoy these small moments now and document them so we can remember.I ended the day with an awesome e-mail from a special person. She knew some kind words that I needed to hear to give me a boost also. I am blessed in so many ways and am grateful for my wonderful family and friends near and far!! Love you!
I loved his talk too. Sometimes I need to hear those things too. Being a mom is probably the hardest and most rewarding thing I have ever done. You are doing a great job with your kids Michelle. Remember that this is just a phase. I remember struggling with Kaidee and feeling like I was doing something wrong. Now that I look back it seems as if she was only that way for a little bit. Good luck and you are a wonderful mother and friend.
You are wonderful mother Michelle. Isnt it great that the Lord send us exactly what we need at the exact time we need it? It seems that whenever I feel confused or stressed about the path I've chosen in life, he sends me a little miracle to remind me that I'm doing exactly what he wants me to do. Love you hun!!
I went into this General Conference feeling the same way you described. I prayed that I could hear something during Conference that would give me a boost and help me feel better...and even though I only heard a fraction of the talks because of the kids...I still feel so much more at peace because of the things I did hear! I want to savor my children...hope I can make that feeling last! :)
I appreciated your comments. When you said you just sat next to Christian as he fell asleep it made me cry! Thanks a lot! No really, we are so lucky to be moms. I think that talk was just what we all needed to feel just a little more important! Good Heavens--we are important! And it is hard, it was just nice to hear an apostle say it!! Special times! Love ya! Ah, Trey just learned how to do the stairs(up not down)...life as I know it is over! AHHHH!
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