I told Dustin this morning that I must be the most indecisive person alive. All month I have planned on painting the living room and here it is with only a week left in April and it's still not done. Yesterday I told Dustin that I decided not to paint right now because I have so many more important things that I could be doing and honestly I just can't find the energy to do it. So then this morning I tell him that now I want to paint it again. I am so crazy!! It's just the task of doing it I guess, but I know that as soon as it's done I will be happy.
As for curtains I don't know what to say about that either. I really want to have them made, but fabric is not cheap. And I did find some pretty cute ones at Target. So who knows what I will do there either. So we will see in the next week what changes, if any, I decide to take on.
Here are some cute pics of the kids from yesterday. Christian loves to play in Chloe's crib when she is in there. Soon they will be good playmates and I can't wait!

Don't worry, Michelle, I'm the same way. It's a woman thing! I tell Erik it's to keep him on his toes and keep life intereting!
So funny! Painting is a lot of work and you have to do it when the kids are asleep or locked up, so that usually cuts into your own sleep time! I don't blame you for changing your mind!! What color are you going to use? Love the pics!!
I say...just go for it girl! Painting a room always gives me a lift because it feels so fresh and new...and adding new curtains, target or homemade, will make it even feel like a whole new house. I can help you tape when I'm there on Saturday..thats always a big pain. Get that roller thing I was telling you about too.
Wish I could help you paint! I am getting kind of tired of looking at my white walls...but I still have red hand prints on the front of my house from when I attempted to paint my front door red....thanks to my dear sweet Addie...all I have to do is look at them and then I loose all desire to paint. If you want...I could send you a picture! It might cure you of your indecisiveness!!! :)
Yeah, our hallway to the upstairs is partially primed and it has been two years. I don't think there is a single room in our house that has the final coat of cutting in done. The rolling is the easy part. Of course when you have to wait until the kids are sleeping it is the last thing you fell like doing after chasing little 'angels' around all day. Take advantage of your friend being there. Friends are great help.
So everyone wants to know what color I'm going to paint. Well I was originally going to do a really light tan, but now I may go with a barely there yellow. Seriously I could get to the sample section and come home with something totally different. We will just have to wait and see I guess.
And by the way..it will most likely be next month that painting and curtains get done. That's what the budget will allow!
I am the same way. I don't like to paint so it takes me forever to figure out the color that I want. I like to copy other peoples colors. Amelia has a great eye for color so I always steal her colors. She just painted her livingroom a green and I really lke it.
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