And then there is our little man Christian. Dustin decided it was time to get him a BIG BOY bed today so we did. Once it was together and we got the new sheets on I was sad for a minute. My little baby is growing up! Then Dustin had to say "before you know it his feet will be hanging off this bed too." Is he trying to make me depressed or something?! :) It took a little time to get Christian to stay in his bed, but he did really good once he FINALLY laid down and fell asleep rather quickly. I hope he doesn't fall out of the bed tonight! I went to the store to get rails and sheets for it and of course I forgot the rails! Figures!
Well I have been wanting a sleigh bed for a long time now and today I got my wish and didn't even have to ask for it. We ended up giving Christian our old bed frame and we got a new bed! Yeah I'm so excited. It takes up a lot more rom now ,but Dustin moved the bed around and now the room actually looks larger. So anyways it was a long and busy day and Dustin collapsed in bed at the end of it. He works so hard for us and we are grateful!
Christian's new bed

I love your new bed.
Michelle...i love your bed enemble. I;ve seen it before...and almost picked it for myself, but it had brown in it and I needed black as my bed is black. Your new bed is beautiful. Isnt it nice to have a beautiful place to fall asleep at night.
I really like your new bed. I want one like that:)
Love the new beds! Good job're a big boy now!:) Wow, I's hard to accept when they start growing up! Does he like it!? Does it help with the nightly routine?
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