So Chloe has been liking to wake up in the 6-7am range lately and today was no exception. 6am she is up and not going back to bed so I feed her and then poyt about how tired I am and can't she just give me one more hour. :)I am not a morning person, never have been, and i thought that having kids would help me in that area, but no it hasn't at all. So soon after Christian get's up and our day is well on the way. I told my dad I would be at his house about 10am to finsih the taxes and we were actally ready on time. Out the door we go and then we see it...a flat tire. We aren't going anywhere! Christian was very disappointed and didn't understand why we weren't leaving. So I let him play in the back yard for a long time (still is) and all is forgiven. I will try again tomorrow to go to dad's. But now I have decided to get major cleaning done today and I am off to a great start. Woohoo!

By the way did you hear the exciting news?? NKOTB are reuniting and going to tour. For all you noncool people that is New Kids On The Block baby!! Yes, I admit it I was a crazy fan and even went to their concert when I was younger. You better believe that if they come close this time I am there again, why not. So Dustin said a big "HECK NO" to going with me so anyone else up for it if I go? It will be so fun!!! The 80's rock!!

shoot...i'll go with you to see NKOTB, i loved them too when I was in 6th and 7th grade. just tell me when and where sista!!!
I hadn't heard about NKOTB, I think it's totally rad! :) I love their hair too!!!
Unfortunately after 4 kids I am still not a morning person, and it doesn't get easier, it just gets to be normal. Luckily, my kids like to sleep in on Saturday!
So not a morning person either!! In fact, I hate mornings!! However, I'm trying to be better! Sorry about your flat tire! Bummer! Hope you were able to get that fixed!
So funny about the NKOTB--I totally remember them! My friend Karina, in the 5th grade, had the biggest crush on Jordan and even went to a concert and got a Jordan t-shirt! I was so jealous!! I didn't know they were getting back together!! You're so funny! Hey...I've never been to a concert--why not!:)
"oh oh oh oh oh....haning' tough"! I know you know the tune to that!I so loved that band...I swore they'd never go out of style. My brothers teased me so bad about it! I had a friend who went to one of their concerts...and like Kristn...I was SO jealous! I'd go to the concert...but only with you gals...and only if we dress up VERY 80's!
p.s. How did you even know that they are getting back together?? Are you on some kind of fan mailing list???j/k :)
Oh...and so sorry about that nasty flat tire. Sounds like you made the best of it though!
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