Later as I opened the front door there was a surprise waiting there for us. Well for the kids really. Auntie Marci and the girls had dropped some books by for the kids. I had been telling her that I need to get some and look what happened. Christian dove right into the bag and was so excited to see all the TRAIN books. He even shared with Chloe! So thanks guys and I think you just moved up his COOL list!! I think I know what books we will be reading tonight! :)

I forgot you bought that t-shirt. It is Jacob's personal favorite to wear :) Joshua will swear up and down that he is not tired even though he yawns and yawns and his eyes tell me otherwise. They just don't know how badly we would die just to get a nap.
Glad you guys got the books. The girls wanted to keep banging on the door but I told them that everyone was probably napping!
When we cleaning out their books and making piles to keep, piles to give away, and piles to sell, the girls got so excited when they saw how many "Thomas" books they had and asked if they could give them to Christian! So now they have a good home!
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