I seriously feel like I have nothing left these days. Christian has me so exhausted that I can't even think straight. During the day he has his episodes. I can't even call them tantrums because they are more like fits of rage. It's ridicules! Anything from knocking things over, throwing what ever is in sight and just banging the doors cause I won't let him outside. Then don't get me started on the night routine. As I mentioned earlier this week he trashed his crib tent and is now trying to just stay in the crib at night. Well when Dustin or I finally leave his room it's a full on shout-a-thon from him. Crying and screaming like he was in pain or something. Who knows how long we actually spend trying to get him to bed at night. Right now I'm going on an hour and a half. I really don't know what to do with him. Chloe had her 6 month check up today so I asked the doc if she had any advice. Nothing new, only what we already do anyways. So that is a small idea of our life lately, just had to vent a bit. Any ideas??
Well one good thing from today was that Dustin only worked half the day so we got to see him a bit more today. It's always nice when he's home, especially these days. He watched the kids for an hour or so today so I could go take some pics of my friends sweet little boys. And I do mean sweet! It was fun and it gave me some practice. A lot more I could write about that has gone on the past few days, but maybe another time. I think I will go catch up on some TV shows that I haven't watched yet. :)
Here are a few of my favorite pictures from today.

Great pictures Michelle. Dang you are getting good with your camera. Hope you can get some rest hun...if you move here, we can take turns taking the kiddos for each other so that we can get some much needed alone time every now and then. Think about it!!! Love ya!
Amazingly sweet! I love babies!
So hard! So sorry you're having this stuggle with Christian. Advice...hum, ear plugs! No, really I wish there was a magic trick. Lately with Trey I've been taking him to each room and showing him that everyone is going to bed. Like, take Christian into Jet and let him put Jet to sleep, then let him kiss Chloe or be quiet and see that she is already sleep or showing him she is going to bed. Then let him show you where his bed is and where he sleeps and then you kiss him. Anyway, you've probably already tried that, but just an idea that worked with one of my kids. Good luck! Also prayer works too! Sometimes when I'm at my whits end with a kid I pray and ask what else I can do to understand the kid and the wait for the answer! Good luck!! Love ya!
Cute pictures! I love the holding hands one! Totally cute!
good job michelle. They turned out great.
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